Thursday, August 13, 2009

Obama: Keys to future is innovation

In another nod to the value of basic science and technology research, President Obama in his weekly radio address today said long–term investments in innovation are needed to ensure the country's long-term economic growth.

The recession is easing, Obama said. But recovery will be slow, and he called for "a new foundation strong enough to withstand future economic storms and support lasting prosperity."

That foundation would be built through innovation, the president said.

"We need to recapture the spirit of innovation that has always moved America forward," he said.

"That means once again having the best-educated, highest skilled workforce in the world," Obama said. "That means a health care system that makes it possible for entrepreneurs to innovate and businesses to compete without being saddled with skyrocketing insurance costs. That means leading the world in building a new clean energy economy with the potential to unleash a wave of innovation – and economic growth – while ending our dependence on foreign oil. And that means investing in the research and development that will produce the technologies of the future — which in turn will help create the industries and jobs of the future."

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