
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pepaya, Buah Para Malaikat Kaya Vitamin dan Mineral

KOMPAS.com — Pepaya merupakan buah yang kaya vitamin dan mineral. Selain dikonsumsi langsung, pepaya biasanya dipakai sebagai campuran rujak, jus, dan es buah. Pepaya juga kerap dikonsumsi untuk mengatasi sembelit.

Buah pepaya atau yang disebut dengan Carica papaya L sudah dikenal sejak ratusan tahun lalu. Christopher Columbus menyebut buah ini sebagai "the fruit of the angels", buah para malaikat. Menurut VN Villegas dalam tulisannya yang dimuat dalam Sumber Daya Nabati Asia Tenggara 2, setiap 100 gram pepaya terkandung 450 miligram vitamin A, 74 miligram vitamin C, 86,6 gram air, 0,5 gram protein, dan 0,7 gram serat.

Berbagai vitamin dan mineral yang terkandung di dalamnya antara lain potasium, elektrolit yang penting bagi tubuh, dan kalsium yang bermanfaat bagi tulang. Mineral lain, seperti kalium dan magnesium, juga terkandung di dalam pepaya. Sementara itu, enzim papain-nya berfungsi memecah serat makanan sisa sehingga mempermudah buang air besar. Pepaya juga bermanfaat untuk mengobati lambung dan mengurangi panas tubuh.

Selain daging buahnya, daun pepaya juga berkhasiat. Selain untuk sayur dan lalap, daun pepaya bermanfaat untuk mengobati malaria, cacingan, sakit perut, meningkatkan nafsu makan, serta melunakkan daging. Bijinya bisa mengobati cacingan. Sementara itu, getah dan akarnya bisa mengobati sakit kandung kencing, bahkan digigit ular.

Sumber : WebMD

The Last Word: Men Talk as Much as Women

Toss out the stereotype that women blab more than men. Women and men both speak about 16,000 words a day, according to a new study.

For more than a decade, researchers have asserted that women speak much more than men do, with one neuropsychiatrist reporting in a book ("The Female Brain") that women use 20,000 words per day compared to only 7,000 for men.

The author of the book, Louann Brizendine of the University of California, San Francisco, said she later found out those numbers were based on an “unreliable” study.

The old "chatty Kathy" claims are questionable, even though they have circulated through the popular culture, according to the authors of the current study published in the July 6 issue of the journal Science.

“Although many people believe the stereotypes of females as talkative and males as reticent, there is no large-scale study that systematically has recorded the natural conversations of large groups of people for extended period of time,” said study co-author James Pennebaker of the University of Texas at Austin.

To record informal conversations, Pennebaker, along with Matthias Mehl of the University of Arizona and other colleagues developed unobtrusive digital voice recorders programmed to record snippets of ambient sounds periodically. Between 1984 and 2004, nearly 400 university students from the United States and Mexico wore the recorders for up to 10 days.

The researchers transcribed the conversations and analyzed them, finding that women spoke an average of 16,215 daily words while men averaged 15,669 words a day. The difference between the two groups was not statistically significant, and the scientists rounded up to say that both men and women used an average of 16,000 words each day.

That's about 15 words per waking minute, assuming a person sleeps 7 hours.

Mehl noted that there are "very large individual differences around this mean," or average. For instance, one of the most talkative males spewed out 47,000 words a day (nearly 1 per second) compared with just more than 500 daily words for the least talkative male.

In fact, the three chat-chart toppers were men.

“I think this new advance now allows us to say that the issue of women being more chatty than men can be relegated to the category of myth,” Brizendine, who was not involved in the study, told LiveScience. “The interesting question that needs to be answered next is why this myth of women’s talkativeness has persisted so tenaciously for decades."

One idea is that men who don’t feel like listening to women talk could perceive the chatter as more than it really is, Brizendine said. “It may be more of a measure of men’s desire not to listen to women talk,” she said.

The authors of the new study say one limitation of their research is that it focused on college students, who might not represent the talk trends of the entire population. However, the researchers said, the study showed no support for the idea that women have larger “lexical budgets” than men.

Cegah pikun dengan ikan

KOMPAS.com — Bersamaan dengan bertambahnya usia, pada umumnya terjadi pula penurunan fungsi organ tubuh dan perubahan fisik. Masalah yang juga datang di usia senja adalah menurunnya kemampuan kognitif dengan gejala mudah lupa, dan jika parah menyebabkan kepikunan.

Faktor gizi ternyata memegang peran yang penting dalam mencegah penurunan kognitif para warga senior. Salah satu bahan makanan yang disarankan untuk para lansia adalah konsumsi ikan. Penelitian menunjukkan, kakek-nenek dari negara-negara berkembang yang rutin mengonsumsi ikan memiliki risiko terkena demensia (pikun) lebih kecil.

Penelitian tersebut dilakukan terhadap 1.500 warga senior di China, India, dan salah satu negara Amerika Latin. Mereka yang semula tidak pernah mengonsumsi ikan, kemudian mulai makan ikan beberapa hari dalam seminggu, sampai akhirnya makan ikan setiap hari, prevalensi demensia-nya berkurang hingga 19 persen.

Penelitian yang dipublikasikan dalam American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ini bukan hanya menunjukkan kaitan sederhana antara konsumsi ikan dan demensia. Diketahui pula bahwa para lansia yang sering makan daging memiliki prevelansi demensia lebih tinggi dibanding yang tidak pernah makan daging.

Karena studi tersebut dilakukan dengan metode satu kali survei, maka sebagian ahli menilai studi tersebut tidak menunjukkan sebab akibat.

"Sebenarnya bukti tambahan bisa didapatkan dari studi selanjutnya yang bersifat follow-up secara berkala untuk melihat kaitan antara konsumsi ikan dan berkurangnya risiko demensia," kata dr Emiliano Albanese, dari King's College London, Inggris.

Bila ikan memang melindungi otak dari proses penuaan, para ahli percaya manfaat itu didapat dari kandungan lemak jenuh omega-3 yang banyak terdapat pada minyak ikan, seperti salmon, makarel, atau albacore tuna.

Penelitian di laboratorium menunjukkan, omega-3 memiliki kandungan yang bisa mencegah demensia, seperti melindungi sel saraf, mengurangi inflamasi, dan membantu mencegah pembentukan protein amyloid yang sering ditemui pada otak pasien alzheimer.

Hasil riset terkini ini didapat dari penelitian terhadap 14.960 lansia berusia 65 tahun ke atas yang tinggal di China, India, Kuba, Republik Dominika, Meksiko, Peru, dan Venezuela. Hubungan antara menurunnya demensia dan konsumsi ikan secara konsisten ditemukan pada responden dari berbagai negara itu, kecuali India.

Demensia merupakan suatu kemunduran intelektual berat dan progresif yang mengganggu fungsi sosial, pekerjaan, dan aktivitas harian. Kemunduran yang paling dominan ditemui adalah berkurangnya kemampuan memori atau daya ingat.

Women Have Nightmares, Men Dream of Sex

Women have more nightmares than men, a British researcher says, but men are more likely to dream about sex.

Psychologist Jennie Parker of the University of the West of England asked 100 women and 93 men between the ages of 18 and 25 to fill out dream diaries, priming participants before dreams occurred to record them. The research was part of her doctoral dissertation.

"My most significant finding is that women in general do experience more nightmares than men," she said. "An early study into dreams led to my discovering that normative research procedures into dream research often considered the structure of dreams, but that there is a gaping hole in terms of academic study that investigates emotional significance in the analysis of dreams."

Women's nightmares can be broadly divided into three categories: fearful dreams (being chased or life threatened), losing a loved one or confused dreams, Parker said.

Parker corroborated participants' dreams with actual life experiences and found that the anxieties about past occurrences reoccur many times as "emblem" dreams.

"It is these emblem dreams that are particularly significant," Parker said. "If women are asked to report the most significant dream they ever had, they are more likely than men to report a very disturbing nightmare. Women reported more nightmares and their nightmares were more emotionally intense than men's."

Sex dreams

Men's dreams contained more references to sexual activity, Parker said, and men reported more actual intercourse, while women reported more kissing and sexual fantasies about other dream characters.

Women's dreams also were found to contain more family members, more negative emotion, more indoor settings and less physical aggression than men's dreams, Parker said.

Men made more references to attacks, or serious threat, but reported fewer verbally aggressive or covert acts of aggression. Men's and women's friendly behavior in dreams was the same; most often they reported helping other dream characters.

Recurring themes

In a comparison of pleasant versus unpleasant dreams among men and women, Parker found that men and women were more likely to be victims of aggressive interactions in unpleasant dreams than they were in pleasant dreams.

"In pleasant dreams the dreamer was more often the aggressor," Parker said. "Women had more unpleasant dreams than men and unpleasant dreams contained more misfortune, self-negativity and failures."

A lecture by former UWE researcher Susan Blackmore gave Parker a moment of epiphany that inspired her to examine more closely the stuff that dreams are made of, she said.

"My own nightmares had two reoccurring themes, one concerned standing on the beach at Weston Super Mare, my home town, when the tide suddenly goes out very fast and returns as a huge tidal wave that is about to engulf me," Parker said. "The other dream includes a dinosaur roaming the streets at night and looking in at my window. I wondered if my experience was common amongst women."

When Hammering, Women Nail It

Any man who has ever pounded nails for a living has hit his thumb a time or two. One possible reason: he's just not that good at it. Another factor: He's probably doing it in broad daylight.

Women are more accurate at pounding nails, a new study finds. At least in the light.

Women hit the nail on the head more often in lighted conditions in a lab, but in the dark, men did better. Scientists aren't sure why, but they have a provocative idea.

In hammering out the differences between the sexes, the researchers used a mechanical plate that measured force and accuracy. They put small and large targets on the plate, to represent small and large nail heads. Then some test subjects pounded away.

"We filmed how subjects hammered, and how close the subject hammered to the target was an index of accuracy," explained study leader Duncan Irschick at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

"On average, men were about 25 percent more accurate than women in the dark, women were about 10 percent more accurate then men in the light," Irschick said.

Irschick told LiveScience that the difference could be that men and women have different hammering strategies: Perhaps men favor force over accuracy, and women the opposite, he said. "However, if this were true, men should always be less accurate than women, which is not what occurs."

He favors this explanation:

"Men and women differ in their ability to perceive objects in light versus dark environments, and this has a subsequent effect on motor control," he speculates. "This is a provocative idea that will require a lot more data to test, and at this point, we don't have a good handle on the nature of the motor control and perceptive differences that would induce this difference, but we are excited to find out."

Irschick presented his findings today at the Society of Experimental Biology Annual Meeting in Glasgow. Jeff Lockman at Tulane University contributed to the research, which was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

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Potensi Besar, Indonesia Tertinggal dari Malaysia

YOGYAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Sebagai negara berpenduduk muslim terbesar di dunia, Indonesia punya potensi besar untuk menjadi negara utama yang mengembangkan ekonomi Islam.

Namun sampai saat ini Indonesia masih tertinggal jauh dari Malaysia, baik dalam aspek perekonomian maupun pengembangan ekonomi islam secara akademis.

Direktur Islamic Research and Training Istitute (IRTI) pada Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Bambang PS Brodjonegoro menuturkan, ekonomi Islam di Malaysia tumbuh sangat pesat. Dari aspek keuangan, misalnya, saat ini aset bank syariah mencapai 70 persen dari total aset perbankan Malaysia. Kondisi tersebut jauh berbeda dengan aset perbankan syariah di Indonesia yang baru mencapai 22,5 persen dari total aset perbankan nasional.

"Pemerintah Malaysia begitu aktif dalam mendorong ekonomi islam sehingga mendapat manfaat ekonomi yang lebih besar. Malaysia berhasil menarik masyarakat Timur Tengah berkunjung baik untuk belajar ekonomi islam maupun berbisnis, sehingga kunjungan wisatawan asingnya bisa mencapai 17 juta jiwa. Bandingkan dengan wisatwan di Indonesia yang hanya sekitar 6 juta," jelasnya saat berbicara sebagai narasumber kunci dalam seminar Krisis Keuangan Global : Perspektif dan Solusi Ekonomi Islam , Jumat (14/8) di Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Menurut dia, sistem ekonomi islam yang berbasis pada prinsip syariah merupakan solusi terhadap sistem ekonomi kapitalis yang sedang mengalami krisis. Ekonomi islam lebih tahan terhadap krisis setidaknya karena dua hal : sistem ini berupaya menjaga keseimbangan antara sektor finansial dengan sektor riil dan lebih mengedepankan etika.

Untuk mendorong pengembangan ekonomi islam di Indonesia, lanjut Bambang, pemerintah harus lebih aktif. Salah satunya dengan mendirikan bank islam dengan skala besar. Bank-bank dengan sistem syariah yang ada saat ini dinilainya tidak akan berkembang menjadi besar karena sekadar berfungsi sebagai pelengkap.

Ekonom senior IR TI-IDP M Umer Chapra mengatakan, krisis keuangan global saat ini terjadi antara lain karena adanya short selling, atau transaksi penjualan efek di mana pada saat transaksi dilaksanakan efek tersebut tidak dimiliki nasabah. Dalam sistem ekonomi islam, situasi semacam itu tidak mungkin terjadi.

The Long History of the 2008 Financial Mess

A history of finance may once have sounded about as exciting as, say, a day spent rolling pennies, but events of late have made this a rather exciting topic.

Observed this week: Lehman Brothers issued the largest bankruptcy protection filing in history. The iconic Merrill Lynch, at least in name, is no more. AIG insurance just got a colossal $85 billion bailout from the U.S. government. Wall Street investors world-wide are knocking their knees and biting their nails. The scenario was so unprecedented that the White House and U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson are scrambling to reassure markets with promises of even more money in what is expected to be the biggest bailout since the Great Depression.

So where did this mess come from, anyway?

The latest credit crisis, the one that sent Wall Street into the latest downward spiral, was about a year in the making, economists say. But more fundamentally, decades' worth of policies have led to this moment, changing the basics of banking.

Until recently, there was a clear dividing line between commercial banks and investment banks, said George Morgan, professor of banking at Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business, but that line became blurry in recent years and the blurring has been central to the downfall of the big investment giants.

"What will happen in the next crisis when there will no longer be a distinction and separation? Who will be the last ones standing?" Morgan asked, echoing the fears held by many beleaguered Wall Street execs.

But that's jumping ahead. Let's back up further.

Cows as currency?

Which was invented first — money, or the banks that kept it safe? Once you recall the era of cows-as-currency, the answer is, strangely, banks.

The world's first banking system sprung up in Mesopotamia more than 3,000 years ago, in the form of storehouses used to keep large reserves of grain and animals. These edible deposits were logged for withdrawal later, while those controlling the books made loans and charged interest, much like today.

The first modern-style money banks appeared in medieval Italy, where prominent families such as the Medici of Florence set up loan and deposit services to get around the problem of multiple-currency use along thriving intercontinental trade routes. The Italian method was improved upon by the Dutch and British banking systems which, in turn, were modified when carried over into the new American colonies.

After some growing pains through a period of minimal regulation, legislation during the Civil War brought the entire U.S. banking system under federal supervision.

Banks get depressed

Federal banking didn't necessarily mean smooth sailing, however. There were credit crises late in the 19th century and in 1907, well before the great stock market crash of 1929 which significantly changed the face of American banking.

The Great Crash, eerily similar to the recent events on Wall Street, was caused — in short — by too many people having too many high-risk loans, which were doled out on the assumption that the stock market would continue to rise unabated.

It didn't.

When the bubble popped in October of 1929, there was a run on the nation's banks. People who'd lost almost all of their stock holdings tried to withdraw money from their bank accounts but found nothing, since banks had engaged in risky investments themselves with the depositors' cash, only to lose it all.

With banks basically ceasing to function in 1933, newly-elected President Franklin Roosevelt put a few measures in place to prevent the same thing from happening again:

  • The Glass-Steagall Act, which forbid regular commercial banks (think Bank of America, pre-Merrill) from offering the services of investment and insurance banks (think AIG).
  • The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which promised to reimburse customers should a bank go out of business.

Combined with the "lender of last resort" role of the Federal Reserve — the central bank of the United States that was created in 1913 — the policies slowly brought confidence in the banking system back up and helped end the Great Depression.

Lehman and Merrill gamble big, and lose

Fast-forward to 1999, when the portions of the Glass-Steagall Act that banned mixed banking were repealed due to pressure from commercial banks wanting to re-enter the lucrative stocks biz.

What that meant was the investment banks — think of them as bankers for big players such as governments and corporations — could now own regular commercial banks (and, less often, vice-versa), and engage in each other's activities, which they began to do to a limited degree. With a surging market, the independent investment banks were poised to make all kinds of money.

Propelling growth for the investment banks was the housing market, which, a few years ago, seemed unstoppable. Companies such as Merrill Lynch and Lehman Brothers offered mortgages left and right, many to people with poor credit records, gambling that housing prices would continue to rise.

They didn't.

With home foreclosures occurring at an alarming rate in the past year, the investment banks didn't have a leg to stand on. On Sept. 15, Lehman filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The same day, a press conference announced the $50 billion sale of investment giant Merrill Lynch to Bank of America.

In some ways, the Glass-Steagall repeal that allowed commercial and investment banks to mingle has saved Wall Street from further ruin, Morgan said.

"Prior to the repeal of parts of Glass-Steagall in 1999, a commercial bank like Bank of America would not have been permitted to buy a company like Merrill Lynch," Morgan told LiveScience, adding that "Bank of America and Barclays are able to keep those firms from complete collapse because the banks were not so risky and were less engaged in the practices of the large independent investment banks that have brought them down."

With the mixing of services now the new norm — as it was prior to the 1929 crash — today's winners (commercial banks) and losers (investment banks) have to be careful not to repeat mistakes made in the last year, said Morgan.

"Let us hope that as the commercial bankers come out on top this time, they will be able to suffuse their new family members with the kind of traditional banking practices that will indeed limit the size of the trauma next time," he said.

By traditional, we doubt he means simple notebooks scribbled with tallies of grain and heads of cattle, but even that might be comforting at this point.

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Economic Woes Threaten Male Identity

No one likes today's economy, but men apparently dislike it more than women, and more than they did last fall, researchers find. And it's stressing them out.

An online survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of the American Psychological Association in early April among 2,160 U.S. adults found that the percentage of men ages 45 to 54 reporting stress related to money rose from 78 percent in September 2008 to 86 percent in April 2009.

Younger men feel the stress a bit more than the middle-aged men: Among 35- to 44-year-olds, 88 percent of men reported money as a significant stressor. The figure for women in that age group was 77 percent.

And a total of 71 percent of males in this age group reported job stability as a significant stressor in April 2009, compared with 57 percent last September.

Daniel Kruger, a social psychologist at the University of Michigan, says economic pain is felt more intensely by men than it is by women, because males are more sensitive to social hierarchies.

And with more men being laid off than women in recent months, men's family provider identities are threatened.

"Men are expected to play the role of economic provider and those who do not meet this societal norm may be seen as a failure," he said. "The stress of perceiving this reaction from family and community members may be especially powerful."

Many people still tend to find it strange when men stay home to take care of children, while wives go off to bring home the bacon.

"Rather than being embraced as a gender equalizer, the lone man in parenting groups will often get the cold shoulder because he is seen as an interloper," Kruger said.

In the future, families will become even more flexible with parenting responsibilities, Kruger predicts, "but I doubt that we will ever see a reversal or even equalization of gender roles."

Men still are more willing than women to sacrifice time with their families in order to advance their careers, he said.

Still, the extended family, with aunts, uncles, and grandparents around, might make a comeback over the nuclear family (just parents and children). The latter unit has prevailed in the past century in Western cultures.

"Economic contractions may increase the prevalence of extended families that consolidate resources into one household, and fathers may expand their role as caretakers for their parents and/or in-laws, as well as children," he said.

Each week in Dollars & $cience, Robin Lloyd makes sense of the financial world and explores the latest findings that hit you in the wallet.

40 Years After Moon Landing: Why Can't We Cure Cancer?

Editor's Note: Forty years ago this month, humans landed on the moon for the first time. We asked Christopher Wanjek why, four decades later, we can't cure cancer.

Will we ever win the war on cancer?

Richard Nixon had every reason to be optimistic when, during his 1971 State of the Union address, he called for a concerted effort to find a cure for cancer. After all, it took only three years for the Manhattan Project to produce the world's first atomic bomb. Nixon's own presidency witnessed the 1969 moon landing, a goal set forth by John F. Kennedy in 1961.

It seemed that given enough resources there was no job that Americans couldn't tackle quickly.

But with $200 billion spent and tens of millions of cancer deaths accumulated since 1971, most would say we are losing the war on cancer. Cancer is the top killer worldwide, responsible for 7.4 million or 13 percent of all deaths annually. In America cancer will soon overtake heart disease as the top killer, claiming more than half million lives annually.

The situation isn't entirely grim. We've made some strides, and new research on stem cells, immunotherapy and genomic medicine offers much hope.

But don't except the war to end anytime soon. We're only really very good at curing mice of cancer. The stumbling block has been translating basic science into human therapies.

Success is in the wording

Part of the reason for having no cancer "cure" is semantics. There will never be a single cancer cure because cancer refers to a family of more than 100 different diseases characterized by abnormal cell growth. These diseases arise from numerous causes, such as ionizing radiation, chemicals or even viruses. Different cancers call for different treatments.

Indeed, there are successful treatments. The greatest advancements have been in the area of childhood cancers. Childhood leukemia used to kill about 80 percent of kids with the disease. Today more than 80 percent survive. Similarly, testicular cancer once claimed 95 percent of its victims; today upwards of 95 percent survive.

Overall, during the mid-1970s, the five-year survival rate among adults for all cancers combined was 50 percent; today it is about 65 percent.

Admittedly this isn't that impressive given the amount of resources spent. Most of the success, actually, is not from miracle cures but rather simple screening procedures such as pap smears and colonoscopies, which detect cancer early when it is easier to treat.

Elusive foe

Cures for the major killers, such as cancers of the lung, breast and liver, remain elusive primarily because of the unpredictable nature of cancer cells.

When a normal cell divides, the cell's DNA is copied more or less perfectly. But each division of a cancer cell brings about new changes in the DNA. So a drug might be able to kill some but not all of the cancer because each cell is a little different.

More disconcerting is the ability of a cancer stem cell to hide. Chemotherapy might effectively kill an entire tumor, but cancer stem cells might evade the drugs and cause a relapse of the cancer years later.

Another problem is the lack of good animal models. Treatments rarely work well in humans because, among many issues, it is difficult to gauge the possibility of relapse years later when a mouse only lives two years.

Victory within reach?

Despite nearly unanimous acknowledgment among scientists that cancer is winning the war, optimism abounds. One powerful new tool is genomic medicine, which targets faulty genes or their pathways responsible for various kinds of cancers. Herceptin is one such miracle drug that blocks a faulty gene pathway found in 30 percent of breast cancers.

Immunotherapy is another new approach that stimulates immune cells to enhance their anticancer activity. Researchers use stem-like immune cells to kill large tumors, but so far only researchers and mice are benefiting from this.

The emerging field of cancer stem cells might lead to big advances, too. These are the cells thought to give rise to tumors. They often have unique markers on their surface, so drugs could be designed to target and destroy them. Also, biomarkers, such as PSA, a predictor of prostate cancer, can be used to detect cancers at their earliest stages. Much research is focused on identifying more biomarkers.

Many "cures" are at hand. Eliminating smoking would essentially end lung cancer, responsible for 30 percent of all cancer deaths. A diet rich in vegetables and whole grains reduces your cancer risk significantly.

Nevertheless, I write these words as two family members are dying from cancer.

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Pesawat Latih Jatuh Tewaskan Dua Orang

TEHERAN, KOMPAS.com — Sebuah pesawat latih Iran jatuh di barat ibu kota Teheran, Sabtu (15/8), menewaskan dua orang di dalamnya. Hal itu menurut laporan radio negara. "Sebuah pesawat latih jatuh di Karaj pada pukul 08.00 waktu setempat dan menewaskan dua orang yang berada di dalam pesawat," kata radio itu.

Ditambahkan, penyebab kecelakaan masih belum jelas, dan segera dilakukan penyelidikan.

Iran mencatat rekor kurangnya keselamatan dalam transportasi udara. Terjadi sejumlah kecelakaan dalam beberapa dasawarsa terakhir, kebanyakan melibatkan pesawat buatan Rusia.

Pada 15 Juli, sebuah pesawat buatan Rusia, Tupolev, jatuh di Iran dalam penerbangan menuju Armenia, setelah terperangkap api di tengah angkasa dan jatuh di ladang menewaskan ke-168 penumpangnya.

Dalam kecelakaan itu, enam orang Armenia dan dua warga Georgia tewas, dan merupakan kecelakaan terburuk di Iran sejak enam tahun terakhir.

Kecelakaan pesawat penumpang lainnya jatuh di kota timur laut Mashhad pada 25 Juli, menewaskan 16 orang, termasuk 13 awaknya.

Kapal penumpang, sebuah Ilyushin Il-62 dari Kazakhstan yang disewa oleh Perusahaan Penerbangan Aria Iran, tergelincir dari landasan pacu dan menabrak dinding saat mendarat di Bandara Hasheminejad, Mashhad. Media Iran mengatakan, 30 orang cedera dalam kecelakaan tersebut.

Sanksi yang dikenakan Amerika Serikat terhadap Iran menghambat negara itu membeli pesawat baru atau suku cadang dari negara-negara Barat. Hal itu memaksa Iran membeli pesawat-pesawat tua Boeing dan Airbus dari negara bekas Uni Soviet.

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